Conquistadors - “conquerors.” Leaders in the Spanish conquests in the Americas, especially Mexico and Peru, in the sixteenth century.
Consuls - the chief executive officers of the Roman Republic. Two were chosen annually to administer the government and lead the army in battle.
Council of the Plebs - a council only for plebeians. After 287 B.C.E., however, its resolutions were binding on all Romans.
Crusade - in the Middle Ages, a military campaign in defense of Christendom.
Cuneiform - “wedge-shaped.” A system of writing developed by the Sumerians that consisted of wedge-shaped impressions made by a reed stylus on clay tablets.
Curiales - city councillors in Roman cities who played an important role in governing the vast Roman Empire.
Demesne - the part of a manor retained under the direct control of the lord and worked by the serfs as part of their labor services.
Diaspora - the scattering of Jews throughout the ancient world after the Babylonian captivity in the sixth century B.C.E.
Dictator - in the Roman Republic, an official granted unlimited power to run the state for a short period of time, usually six months, during an emergency.
Divination - the practice of seeking to foretell future events by interpreting divine signs, which could appear in various forms, such as in entrails of animals, in patterns in smoke, or in dreams.
Divine-right monarchy - a monarchy based on the belief that monarchs receive their power directly from God and are responsible to no one except God.
Empiricism - the practice of relying on observation and experiment.
Spielvogel, Jackson J. Volumne I: To 1775 Western Civilization Tenth Edition. To 1715 ed., vol. 1, Cengage Learning, 2018. #middleages #ccm
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